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The Seven Sundays Devotion to Saint Joseph: A Powerful Prayer Tradition

Updated: 7 days ago

seven Sunday devotion to Saint Joseph

The Seven Sundays Devotion to Saint Joseph is a profound and time-honoured practice that has brought countless blessings to those who seek the intercession of the foster father of Jesus. This devotion focuses on the Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys of Saint Joseph, meditating on the key moments of his life while asking for his protection and guidance.

Origins of the Seven Sundays Devotion to Saint Joseph

The devotion traces its origins to a miraculous event involving two Franciscan friars in the early 16th century. According to tradition, the friars were travelling by sea when their ship was caught in a violent storm, which caused their vessel to sink, along with all its passengers. By Divine Providence, they managed to grasp hold of a plank, which kept them afloat as the waves relentlessly tossed them for three days and nights. Amid their peril and suffering, they turned with deep prayer to Saint Joseph, fervently imploring his aid.

As soon as they concluded their prayer, they experienced immediate relief—the storm subsided, the sea calmed, and a deep sense of peace and reassurance washed over them. Yet, their greatest joy came from the appearance of a man with radiant, noble features. Greeting them with kindness, he reassured them and urged them to place their trust in him. Guiding the plank they clung to, he safely led them to shore.

Overcome with gratitude, the two friars fell at his feet. After offering their heartfelt thanks, they earnestly implored him to reveal his identity.

"I am Joseph," the man answered. "If you wish to honour me, do not let a single Sunday pass without devoutly praying the Our Father and the Hail Mary seven times, in honour of the Seven Sorrows that weighed upon my soul and the Seven Joys that consoled my heart during my life on earth with Jesus and Mary."

He assured them that whoever practised this devotion with faith would receive his special protection. With these words, he vanished, leaving the Franciscan friars filled with profound joy and a renewed desire to honour and serve their heavenly protector.

This devotion soon spread among the faithful, gaining papal approval and becoming a cherished tradition in the Catholic Church. Several popes have endorsed and encouraged Devotion to Saint Joseph, recognising its spiritual benefits:

  • Pope Gregory XVI (1831–1846) granted indulgences to those who practised this devotion.

  • Pope Pius IX, who declared Saint Joseph the Patron of the Universal Church in 1870, strongly promoted devotion to him.

  • Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical Quamquam Pluries (1889), encouraged all Catholics to turn to Saint Joseph, especially in times of trouble.

When and How to Begin the Devotion

Although this devotion can be practised at any time of the year, the most ideal time to start is on the seven Sundays leading up to the Feast of Saint Joseph on 19 March. This allows for deep spiritual preparation in honour of Saint Joseph.

Preparation: A State of Grace

To fully benefit from this devotion, it is highly advisable to be in a state of grace by receiving the Sacrament of Confession, ideally seven days before or after. Just as Saint Joseph was a model of purity and obedience, approaching this devotion with a cleansed heart opens the way to a deeper spiritual journey.

The Seven Sorrows and Joys of Saint Joseph

Each Sunday focuses on one sorrow and one joy from the life of Saint Joseph, reflecting on his challenges and triumphs as the guardian of Jesus and Mary.

First Sunday

  • Sorrow: Saint Joseph's heartbreaking decision to leave Mary (Matthew 1:18-19)

  • Joy: The angel's revelation of the mystery of the Incarnation (Matthew 1:20-21)

Second Sunday

  • Sorrow: The poverty of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem (Luke 2:6-7)

  • Joy: The awe and wonder when the angel appeared, glorifying Jesus' birth (Luke 2:10-11)

Third Sunday

  • Sorrow: The pain of seeing Jesus’ blood shed at His circumcision (Luke 2:21)

  • Joy: The privilege of naming Him Jesus, our Saviour (Luke 2:21)

Fourth Sunday

  • Sorrow: The prophecy of Simeon foretelling the sufferings of Jesus and Mary (Luke 2:34-35)

  • Joy: The overwhelming peace of knowing that through Jesus’ suffering, many would be saved (Luke 2:29-32)

Fifth Sunday

  • Sorrow: The flight into Egypt to escape King Herod’s wrath (Matthew 2:13-15)

  • Joy: The safety of the Holy Family under God’s protection (Matthew 2:16-18)

Sixth Sunday

  • Sorrow: Saint Joseph’s Fear of Returning to His Homeland (Matthew 2:22)

  • Joy: The peace and happiness of living with Jesus and Mary in Nazareth (Matthew 2:23)

Seventh Sunday

  • Sorrow: Losing of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:44-45)

  • Joy: The immense relief of finding Him in the Temple (Luke 2:46)

How to Pray the Seven Sundays Devotion

  1. Begin with the Sign of the Cross

  2. Read and meditate on the sorrow and joy for that Sunday

  3. Pray the prayer for that Sunday

  4. Ask Saint Joseph for his intercession, protection, and guidance

  5. Recite one "Our Father," seven "Hail Mary," and one "Glory Be"

  6. Memorare of Saint Joseph

  7. End with the Litany to Saint Joseph.

Conclusion: A Powerful Devotion for Every Catholic

The Seven Sundays Devotion to Saint Joseph is a beautiful way to honour and seek the intercession of the Guardian of the Redeemer. Whether seeking guidance, protection, or a stronger relationship with God, this devotion provides spiritual nourishment and peace.

As we reflect on Saint Joseph’s life—his trials, his joys, and his unwavering trust in God—we are reminded that he is not only a powerful intercessor but also a model of faith, humility, and obedience.

Will You Begin This Devotion?

If you have never practised this devotion before, consider starting it this year, leading up to Saint Joseph’s feast day on 19 March. Ask for his guidance, and trust that he will bring you closer to Jesus and Mary.

May Saint Joseph, the most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and guardian of the Holy Family, watch over and intercede for us all.

"Ite Ad Joseph!"

👉 Join the Devotion to Saint Joseph group page on Catholic Hub to access the prayer guide.



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