As we enter the Month of Mary in May, it is a time of special devotion and reflection on the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our lives. The tradition of dedicating May to Mary has deep historical roots, dating back to the Middle Ages, and holds profound significance for us Catholics all over the world. It was established as a way to honour the Mother of Jesus and express love and gratitude for her intercession and protection.
The practice of dedicating the month of May to Mary dates back centuries, with its origins attributed to various historical events, traditions, and cultural practices within the Catholic Church. In medieval Europe, the month of May was associated with the blossoming of flowers and Mary is often depicted and described as the “Mystical Rose”. One significant influence was the tradition of "May Crowning," where a statue of Mary is adorned with flowers and crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth. This custom gained popularity in medieval Europe and eventually became associated with the entire month of May.
Pope Pius VII officially established May as the Month of Mary in the early 19th century in response to the turmoil and upheaval of his time, including the Napoleonic Wars and the French revolution. Pope Pius VII sought to promote devotion to Mary as a source of solace, protection, and model of faith and discipleship, encouraging all Catholics to dedicate this time to special prayers, devotions, and acts of piety in honour of the Blessed Virgin. The Pope's decree aimed to foster a deeper relationship and reverence for Mary among the faithful and to seek her guidance and intercession in times of challenges, trials, and difficult moments of their lives.
As followers of Christ, the Month of Mary holds profound significance as a time to draw closer to our Heavenly Mother and seek her maternal intercession. Mary occupies a central place in Christianity, revered as the “Theotokos”, or Mother of God, and honoured as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Through her “FIAT”, humility, and total surrender to God's will, Mary exemplifies the virtues of faith, hope, and love that all Christians aspire to emulate.
During this month, we are encouraged to deepen our relationship with Mary through prayer, meditation, and participation in Marian devotions such as the Rosary, the Angelus/Regina Caeli, and the Litany of Loreto. This is also the best time to start Consecrating ourselves to Jesus through Mary. These prayers not only honour Mary but also draw us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ, as we contemplate the mysteries of the faith through her eyes. By turning to Mary as our advocate and mediatrix, we entrust our prayers, hopes, and sorrows to her maternal care, confident that she will intercede for us before her Son, Jesus Christ.
The Month of Mary also serves as a reminder of Mary's universal motherhood and her presence as a source of comfort and consolation for all humanity. In times of joy and celebration, Mary rejoices with us as a loving mother. In times of sorrow and difficulty, Mary stands by our side, offering her maternal compassion and solace. Through our devotion to Mary, we are reminded of her powerful intercession and the promise of her Son's mercy and grace.
Moreover, the Month of Mary provides an opportunity for all of us to imitate Mary's virtues of humility, obedience, and selflessness in our own lives. As the Mother of God and the model of discipleship, Mary exemplifies what it means to say "yes" to God's will with unwavering faith and trust. Her life serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all Christians, reminding us of the transformative power of surrendering our lives to God's plan with humility and trust.
As we journey through the Month of Mary, let us imitate her “FIAT” and open our hearts to receive the abundant graces from God that flow through Mary’s maternal intercession. May we draw inspiration from Mary's example of faith and humility and strive to imitate her virtues in our own lives. In honouring Mary, we not only honour her as the Mother of God but also acknowledge her role as our spiritual mother. Let us entrust ourselves and our intentions to her loving care, confident that she will lead us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ, and guide us along the path of holiness and salvation.
Mary, Mother of God and our mother. Please pray for us.