The Feast of the Presentation of Mary, celebrated on November 21, is a unique and deeply significant observance within the liturgical calendar. The origins of the Feast of the Presentation of Mary trace back to early Christian devotion, particularly in the Eastern Church. It became a formal liturgical celebration in the 6th century and later spread to the Western Church in the 14th century. Rooted in ancient tradition and Christian reflection, it commemorates the moment when Saints Joachim and Anne, Mary’s parents, offered her to God in the temple as a young child. Although not directly recorded in Scripture, this event is preserved in the apocryphal text The Protoevangelium of James and has been a cherished tradition in the Church for centuries. The feast highlights Mary’s role as the chosen one of God and her complete consecration to His service, which prepared her to become the Mother of Christ. This moment holds profound theological and spiritual meaning, not just as a historical event but as a reflection of Mary’s vocation and a call to live our lives dedicated to God.

The Tradition of the Presentation of Mary
The act of the presentation of Mary in the temple may parallel the Jewish custom of dedicating the firstborn as outlined in Exodus 13:2 when the Lord spoke to Moses and said, “Consecrate to me every firstborn; whatever opens the womb among the Israelites, whether of human being or beast, belongs to me.” The Church Fathers, including Saint John Damascene, saw the presentation as a moment of profound symbolism, foreshadowing Mary’s role as the living temple of God, where the Word would take flesh.
The presentation of Mary in the temple holds a deeper theological meaning that extends beyond the narrative itself. By dedicating Mary to God, Saints Joachim and Anne acknowledged her as a gift entrusted to them by divine providence. This act of consecration marked the beginning of Mary’s mission as the Mother of the Saviour, emphasising her complete surrender to God’s plan. Saint Alphonsus Liguori, a great Marian theologian, reflected on this feast as a testament to Mary’s holiness and her willingness to offer herself entirely to God even from her childhood. This also highlights the special grace that filled Mary from the moment of her Immaculate Conception. From her earliest years, she was set apart for God’s divine plan, embodying the virtues of purity, obedience, and devotion. Her entrance into the temple signifies her readiness to accept God’s will and her unparalleled openness to His grace.
In a broader sense, the presentation of Mary signifies the sanctity of a life lived in harmony with God’s will. The temple, as the dwelling place of God, serves as a fitting setting for Mary’s dedication, reflecting her own role as the new Ark of the Covenant. Just as the Ark housed the tablets of the Law, Mary would become the bearer of the Incarnate Word. This connection highlights her unique role in salvation history as both the Mother of Christ and the spiritual mother of all wants to follow Christ.
Consecration: A Life Dedicated to God
To consecrate is to set something or someone apart for a sacred purpose, dedicating it wholly to God. The term originates from the Latin word consacrare, meaning "to make sacred" or "to devote as sacred." This act of consecration transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary by aligning it with the divine. In the context of the presentation of Mary in the temple, her consecration signifies her complete offering to God’s service, marking her life as one of unparalleled devotion and holiness. From her earliest years, Mary was dedicated to God, symbolising her readiness to fulfil her unique role in salvation history as the Mother of Christ. Mary’s presentation carried profound significance. It foreshadowed her role as the living temple of God, the sacred vessel in which the Word would become flesh. Her consecration was a moment of profound spiritual preparation, setting her apart for the divine mission entrusted to her.
Consecration also implies a life of purity and holiness, wholly devoted to God’s will. By consecrating Mary to God, Saints Joachim and Anne acknowledged her as a gift from Him and entrusted her life back to His care. This act of devotion reflects the deep faith of Mary’s family and their recognition of God’s providential plan. For Mary, the presentation in the temple was not just a ceremonial act but the defining orientation of her entire existence. It prepared her to say “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation, embodying total submission to God’s will and complete trust in His plan.
Chosen: Mary’s Unique Role in Salvation History
The concept of being “chosen” carries a profound weight in salvation history, signifying a divine election for a specific mission or purpose. Mary’s chosenness is unparalleled; she was chosen by God from all eternity to be the Mother of the Incarnate Word. This election was not arbitrary but deeply rooted in God’s plan for humanity’s redemption. From the moment of her Immaculate Conception, Mary was preserved from original sin, making her the perfect vessel for the Son of God. As the Archangel Gabriel declared in Luke 1:28, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you,” Mary’s grace-filled nature testified to her being chosen and prepared by God for her singular vocation.
Being chosen by God does not merely reflect privilege but also entails a profound responsibility. For Mary, this meant bearing the Saviour of the world and playing a vital role in His mission of redemption. The Church Fathers, such as Saint Augustine and Saint Irenaeus, emphasised that Mary’s election was part of God’s divine plan to bring about the New Creation through Christ. The Catholic church often refers to Mary as the "New Eve," chosen to reverse the disobedience of the first Eve by her complete obedience and fidelity to God.
Mary’s chosenness also reveals God’s mercy and providence. Through her, God fulfilled the promises made to the patriarchs and prophets of the Old Testament, bringing forth the Messiah who would save His people. Her election was not just for her own sake but for the sake of all humanity. In choosing Mary, God extended His grace to all people, offering redemption and reconciliation through her Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, Mary’s role as the chosen one serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of God’s love for His creation.
The Interconnection of Consecration and Chosenness
Mary’s consecration and chosenness are deeply interconnected, revealing the unity of God’s grace and her response of faith. Her presentation in the temple symbolised her life’s orientation toward God, while her chosenness as the Mother of the Redeemer demonstrated the divine initiative in salvation history. God’s election of Mary was met with her unwavering dedication, creating a profound harmony between divine grace and human freedom.
This union of consecration and chosenness is further exemplified in Mary’s fiat at the Annunciation: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). In this moment, Mary fully embraced her role as the chosen one, consecrating herself entirely to God’s will. Her response was not merely passive but an active and willing collaboration with God’s plan, reflecting the depth of her faith and her total trust in His providence.
Mary’s consecration and chosenness also highlight her role as a model for all Christians. Through her, we see the model of a life fully dedicated to God, lived in response to His call. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “Mary’s role in the Church is inseparable from her union with Christ and flows directly from it” (CCC 964). Her consecration as a child and her chosenness as the Mother of God remind us of our own call to holiness and the importance of aligning our lives with God’s will.
The Spiritual Legacy of the Presentation of Mary
The presentation of Mary in the temple carries a timeless message for the Church and the faithful. It calls us to reflect on our own lives and consider how we, too, can dedicate ourselves to God. Consecration is not limited to religious vows or formal acts of devotion but encompasses the daily commitment to live according to God’s will and to seek holiness in all things. Similarly, being “chosen” is not reserved for Mary alone; every Christian is chosen by God through baptism and called to participate in His divine mission.
Mary’s example encourages us to embrace our own consecration to God, whether through prayer, acts of charity, or living out our vocation with faithfulness and love. Her chosenness reminds us of God’s personal call to each of us, inviting us to play a role in His plan of salvation. By looking to Mary, we are inspired to respond to God’s grace with humility and trust, dedicating ourselves to Him as she did. Through her, we are called to open our hearts to God’s plan and to offer ourselves entirely to His service, trusting in His providence and love.
The Feast of the Presentation of Mary is not merely a reflection on a singular moment in her life; it is a calling to all of us who want to follow Christ, to emulate her example of unwavering faith and total dedication to God. Mary’s consecration challenges us to reflect on how we can surrender our lives fully to God and fully entrust ourselves to His will. Her readiness to serve the Lord is a model of discipleship, inspiring us to respond to God’s call with the same openness and humility.
This feast also invites us to reflect on the role of the family in nurturing faith and devotion. Saints Joachim and Anne’s act of presenting Mary in the temple highlights the importance of parents fostering a sense of reverence for God and a willingness to serve Him. It reminds us of our responsibility to guide future generations toward lives rooted in faith and love for God.
May Mary guide us closer to her Son and inspire us to live lives of holiness and devotion.
"The Mystical City of God: Complete Edition" by Venerable Mary of Agreda – This classic work offers a detailed account of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, including her presentation and her role in salvation history. Check it here.
"True Devotion to Mary" by Saint Louis de Montfort – A spiritual guide focusing on consecration to Mary, enriching understanding of her sacred role in our lives. Check it here.
"Mary in the Middle Ages: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Thought of Medieval Latin Theologians" by Luigi Gambero – A theological exploration of Marian doctrines through history. Check it here.
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